The new FirstAid4Gambia website homepage

New Website

The original website, designed back in 2009, served the charity very well for many years, and some will be sad to see it go. However, design trends and practices evolve, and the time had come for a rethink.

This is when Neil became involved. Yes, I’m writing about myself in the 3rd person! He became aware of the decision to look for a new designer from a family member. His partner’s daughter was volunteering for the charity, involving a trip to the Gambia. She had noticed the call for a designer on the charity’s Facebook page. So the initial contact was made with Bill.

Although contact was made before the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic, is was finished off during this time. This all happened after some internal re-organising for the Charity, with new blood coming on-board. An ideal time to relaunch the website.

In case you’ve forgotten, or are missing the old one, this is what it looked like.

The techy bits

The new site was written using WordPress, the single most popular platform used in the Internet today. It provides a robust framework, and virtually unlimited functionality to future-proof anything you’re ever likely to need. The charity’s officers are also able to login and manage their own entries.

About Neil

Neil (jokingly) describes himself as mixed-race. He has an English mother, and Scottish father. With a background in engineering (automotive) and IT, he’s no stranger to all things techy. But he’s not a one-trick-pony either. He also runs a commercial beekeeping business on the south coast of England. His website design experience, goes back almost 20 years, but his website design company wasn’t formally incorporated until 2017.

Reverting to the 1st person, I’ve been hugely honoured, to be trusted in creating this new site for First Aid 4 Gambia, and I wish it all the best in this next chapter of it’s work.

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